Tag: Diversity

  • Afuru bom

    Adinkra funtunfunEfu nEC denQemfunEfu, wcn aCfuru bom nansoC woCrECdidi a na wcrECkoC, Efiri se aCduanEC de yetEC noC wc mECnECtwitwiE mu.

  • Mako

    Adinkra maCko Ninaa mpaCtu mmECrEC. English All peppers do not ripe simultaneously.

  • Funtunfunefu and Denkyemfunefu

    Adinkra (Akan) funtunfunEfu nEC denQemfunEfu wcn aCfuru bom nanso wcrECdidi a na wcrECkoC Efiri se aCduanEC de yetEC noC wc mECnECtwitwiE mu. English Funtunfunefu and denkyemfunefu (two conjoined crocodiles) have their stomachs joined together yet when they eat they fight because the sweetness of the food is felt as it passes through the throat.